Sunday, March 20, 2005

where i am, sitting

so, i know it has been a while but been somewhat laking in anything to say. My life at the mo - mainly just waiting. Literally, just sitting and waiting, hoping and dreaming. But when it feels like there are no boundaries, (a good thing i know), it leaves me a little stuck of where to begin. But I have started, and looked in different directions, but still not found "it", that thing that makes me tick, and come alive. That thing which will keep me up with mad ideas and excitment, that thing that i grab hold of and run with as far as i can as best as i can.

I don't even know if that is what I mean or what I am waiting for, but I think so. Destiny, the reason I am me. I know that it is about worshipping Him and loving Him, with all my talents and mess ups which means I will do it in a way that only I can......

Perhaps if I just keep on walking I will find myself on the path, doing the 'thing'. I am already. He has got it covered....

In the meantime however I am realising that Home is where you make it. Recently I have been very good at not making it where it needs to be. Life is easier when people aren't asking tricky questions, but that doesn't make it better. So I am learning to love the places that are a little uncomfortable, yet entirely filled with Love. I am enjoying the challenge of forcing myself out of the shell I have made, and being surprised that there is more of me to be found outside of it. I am enjoying the deepening friendships and other bits of me which are not what I thought they should be - so a life giving and releasing shock to the system.

Looking forward to Easter and everything that comes after it - hopefully a lot of resurrection life!!!! some feasting!! and a few giggles .....