Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Only the Brits...

Oh the sun - how i had forgotten how much i enjoy having a tan!!

Am in egypt with the parents. Flew in and then that night went to a ball, by the pyramids!!!! It was great fun, the views were great, although it did feel a bit weird, as someone pointed out, to dance on other peoples graves!

Cairo is currently having a heat wave, so i have a slightly pink shoulder (only on one side as i forgot that the sun moved, so i forgot to move with it!! Doh!). But I am enjoying being tanned, and being in this city. Everytime I come I see more of the poverty, but at the same time more of the beauty. Between the nile (the city) and the pyramids there are rough brick houses and piles of rubbish with kids playing on them, right next to the lushest, greenest fields.
Yesterday I was eating scrummy egyptian food on the edge of the nile while this family went past in this little row boat. The children were beautiful and the wife had amazing eyes, yet they floated past in this tiny boat wearing rags, and there was I eating scrummy food.

It just didn't sit right with me, especailly in this place of "empire". Like Oria, I really feel like something is being stirred in me re justice, the poor and what on earth am I doing about it!!!!!

A good but uncomfortable place to be.