Thursday, February 12, 2004

Its All Good

Today, in the midst of a few crazy "life choices" a friend turns to me and says - 'its all good'. Even though I am horribly uncomfortable right now, a bit angry and not entirely sure where I am going, I know that it is where I am meant to be right now, that it is not a bad place to be.... it's just a little spiky.

And i guess it is times like this that allow me to settle into the old pattern, the usual bit of God that I know. Or I can push further and discover how much He wants to carry, and how much I am willing to let go. Having almost reached the cliff edge, there is no holding back now.... I may aswell see how fast I can run and how far I can jump.

The question is - where do I land, and what do I do when I get there?

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