Thursday, January 05, 2006


Happy 2006 everyone...... had a chilled new year in the hills. loved it, although the local killer cows did put me on edge a little. haha. can't quite work out if i am a townie (ie being scared of farm animals and struggling with large wooden gates), or a country girl (who crosses roads without looking and can't understand why so many people live so far from something green.)

perhaps i just belong in the subburbs.... arhggggg noooooo.

crashing on...

So been trying to think of top 5 of 2005, could think of a few

1. being in New York, they let me into the UN!!! how bonkers is that!
2. claire and george's wedding, tissues please.
3. the little kitchen in blair road with ben and drago

.... other than that i realised that the highlights of 2005 where not ness what i did or where i went, but the people i was with and the friendships that developed from it. So thanks heaps for being part of my journey, its been bonkers so far and i look forward to more craziness this year.

I am seriously happy at the mo but not entirely sure why. Hope has totally appeared in an unsurpressiable balloon inside me, bringing unexpected joy with it. Just realising that God totally loves me and that it brings total freedom. Am also excited about the open doors in London...

so i am seriously looking forward to 2006.
not much else to report. ALthough have discovered a new liking of ironing.....


Anonymous said...


anna said...

oh yes.... the whole practising the presence of god thing, through the steam. but then again maybe its just me
lol xx