Saturday, July 29, 2006

not much happening on the anna front right now.....

reading Romans like it is going out of fashion - what a great book!!!

About to move house
about to start a job with arnold..... v excited!!!!

my suntan has improved

as have my dancing-round-the-kitchen skills!!!
oh, and someone thinks i am funny!!! what is the world coming too hehe

my housemate thinks i am like mary poppins - i appear, cause some well needed chaos, and then go again! How cool is that - but i do lack in the cool shoes and carpet bag dept!! Wind from the east anyone???

so all is good. laughing lots!

nothing else to report....

oh otherthan the film 'sideways' is totally rubbish, don't even bother!


Jude said...

wind from the east.. ahh yes.. that might be me.. sorry- too much fruit! (so uncaptivating!!!)

anna said...

you be in the north!!! plonker