Thursday, November 23, 2006

So this week has been a bit bonkers. fairly major house upsets ..... but through all of this God has just done the most amazing things (as is His want).

I have been here in London a year almost exactly. I am still not sure why - but I have fallen on my feet again. When the poo hit the fan this week community here just sprung into life in the most amazing way..... its not that it wasn't there before, i just didn't realise they were there for me. I haven't done anything to earn it, or been here long enough to deserve such genuine offers of help. Being friends with people over time is great, and i do really love and appreciate all my long standing friendships. But there is something quite amazing when people you hardly know, but are connected to through a bunch of friendly people (aka known as church/community), go out of their way to help and be supportive. really great.

in all the upset, somehow i feel more settled.

But it was also a challenge to the independant streak in me - i could have tried to do all the coping and crying by myself. Instead it was about learning how to let others support me and love me without trying to give it back or feeling like i owe them something.

As someone said this week, community is not about 'you scratch my back' etc..... but about serving each other out of worship to Christ. and this week i was pleasently taken aback by its beauty and simplicity.

It wasn't planned. It already was.

1 comment:

oz said...

thats beautiful watto! miss you!