Saturday, September 11, 2004

busy busy

It appears that after 5 and a half months of not being busy that it may well continue. Not that I am going to be jobless, but rather the jobs are not going to be as i had hoped - keeping me busy!

They are instead going to be, well I am not quite sure, but what I have gleaned is that they are not going to keep me rushing about for 5 days a week. This is good, because it means i will continue to find out that my worth is not in the job or the paycheck. But it does come as a surprise, to someone who has found being still for this time so far, a bit of a struggle. But also, causes me to think a bit about the cost. Someone who i love once said that no-one starts something without first calculating the cost of the endevour. Its the same here - am i willing to be still, and let other people question it when it goes so strongly against our western busy busy mindset.....

Perhaps I should ask for an african holiday, as part of work experiance, in order to encourage me to not consider time, and work as what makes me a 'useful person'.

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