Saturday, April 09, 2005

all change

yesterday as i typed i was still every much waiting for something to move, esp in terms of money. So imagine my surprise when getting home i recieve an anonymous, and certainly not insignificant contribution to my bank account.

After 3 months of praying like crazy, really wanting god to be the God that i think he should be, but we rarely let him be over here in the west, He does it, beautifully, simply. He is becoming that BIG God that i long to see operating over here. So letting go of everything but holding onto Him, maybe just makes space for Him to be that - Creator and Lord. I just need to make more space for him.

So now I'm in london, drinking smoothie and loving it. This city has a great vibe, esp the free internet in snow and rock. sorry that you're not here G. But the miffins are good, will have one for you.

I am really wanting the unpredictable now though, however crazy it might be, it feels like an amazing way to live. Not to let go of responsibilities, or not live in the real world - but rather see them from a different perspective and learn to live a full life from that. It feels really exciting to finally be stepping a little closer to that, after learning to let go of those mental chains that stopped me before.

so where now - who knows, but thats the bit I am loving.

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