Tuesday, June 21, 2005


current occupation - mostly chilling before work starts again.

The tricky things about blogs is that everytime i write one, I always rewrite it about 3 times before i get annoyed at myself and press 'publish'. (this is the second draft so far.)

I always begin with a normally rather mundane - this is what i am doing thing- followed by random thoughts. This is fine, esp for anyone who lives far away and doesn't know what i'm upto. But is it what this is for, for me?? Dunno?

I think that in the next few months quite a few things in my life, like geography, are going to be changing, so communication is going to become more important. But what is it that I want to communicate - why on earth am i sitting here at 11pm typing away?

I think there is something of this journey and adventure that i want to share with whoever reads this, mainly because its great to be on, and great to share stories, as my friend Emma c has taught me. So perhaps this is just a bit of a story board, where a random selection of scences from my life pass, in the hope that something funny, or true or lovely will strike the reader as they pause here in their day. who knows...... perhaps its just a little rectangle of verbal processing space for me.

Either way, as i am currently learning, it probably doesn't matter a great deal.....

So stories (or random bits of information)

I am currently living by the motto : He loves me, so chill out. I realised that often my response to life was one of nerves and worry, mainly because i did not know with all certainty that God loved me. (I know the books say he does, but this was something else, deeper). Now however I am beginning to realise that He does, totally, with out escape. Therefore whatever i do or wherever i go, He is still there, still loving......

that kind of blew my mind. And totally released me in an unexpected way.... to fully embrace life and Love, a slightly more prickly subject in my book.

So far, I am enjoying the consequences.

For example; I am finding that I love music and dancing to it. I recently acquired a small electric-blue music playing object (its v cute!), and have loved listening to new music. What has surprised me though is how much i enjoy and want to dance.... most of the time. Those of you who know me well, know that i am NOT a good dancer by any streach of the imagination, but i feel inspired to learn!!!! and i love the fact that i can

So life seems to be taking on a fuller, more colourful version. There are definately some big changes afoot - but at the mo i just can't quite pin them down. But the small changes are doing just fine for now.

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