Thursday, March 02, 2006

so since i last wrote things have been a bit busy...

Helped out at soundcheck, SPEAK's national conference. it was great to get back into the speak family, and realsie just how much i love it and how much i believe in what they do, even if i am not the conference type. But seeing old friends and making new ones,while hearing some amazing people wrestle with the issues of power and the church.... great. a real chllenge. why should we, the church be looking to have power when the v guy we worship gave all his up in order to win after all.....

a paradox i just don't understand.

since then i have had two batches of pancakes (!!!) v scrummy, walked down the banks of the thames - really pretty, and been given tickets to go on holiday- to VANCOVER!!! so i am off to see the lovely ozza, who i miss heaps!!! horray for random God provision - who ever said he was stingy!!

So amlifting my eyes to what is coming, feel like a new thing is about to unfold,interms of work and vision. Am moving soon hopefully, and feel like after a few months of being introduced to London, i will soon be right in there, living life more fully than i am now.

Boiler stuff is going well, family being built. Am continuing to drink large volumes of tea and talk lots with jude - but feel that its a good time. in fact today we discussed that some of the most 'kingdom' things we have ever done have been while drinking a cup of tea. the stuff we think is great history shaping stuff is maybe not so important in this bonkers upside down kingdom that we are trying to find/build/usher in or someting.....

other than that life is good, if not v v cold. am loving the guitar at the mo - just a great new creative medium for me. and ejoying dreaming, without London squishing all thoughts of a different life.

a new month...... a new view.... and hopefully a bit more sun, cause i'm cold!


resa said...

wow anna. loving it for you.

dreaming is good. so is travel.

Anonymous said...

been prompted to pray for you recently. very unlike me, i reckon. hope you are well. miss ya.