Tuesday, August 10, 2004

on that note...

I saw the first line in a newspaper...
a little rough around the edges, but hey, for now it flowed, that's what matters...

Love has defeated me.

I wait, broken,
For it to conquer

I stand, rejected,
Despised yet hopeful
Many have walked here
Yet none stand
And so I wait

I have been undone
Crumpled and dug out
But unlocked and restored
I stand in darkness
And in faith

Love has crushed me
Melted me
Forced me to stand
To shake off the dust
Of lies,
The dust of others

Love has defeated me
And my hiding
It has stripped me
Bare and torn apart
With pain no longer
There is no fear

And so I stand
I wait
Rejected or accepted
In love
It defeated me
It created and
It restores me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love it

a lot